Dreaming of Shetland A dream-funder project for Deborah Robson
This fabulous ebook will help Deborah Robson spend the next year exploring Shetland sheep and Shetland wool. What she learns will apply to topics as small as the hats we put on our heads and as large as the global wool marketplace.
The ebook will include designs by:
Meg Swansen
Ann Budd
Franklin Habit
Beth Brown-Reinsel
Cat Bordhi
Donna Druchunas
Anne Berk
Myrna Stahman
Sivia Harding
and many more…
We will be releasing the ebook in sections, so that people will be able to concentrate on a few pieces at a time. The first section is a preview, with a dedication, a letter from Deb explaining her work, and a few patterns. Then, every few weeks another section will be released, with a small feature and several patterns. The order will be listed in the Table of Contents, so you will know what is coming. By releasing the content over time, we can continue to add things as they come up.
“Shetlands connect to the earliest sheep, and they demonstrate what happens when humans influence a breed to fit alternate environments and to respond to economic pressures.” --Deborah Robson