Release Date: April 3, 2025! Please look forward to its release!
We have compiled popular patterns from the amirisu Sock Club, released from 2017 to 2023, into one book. Knitting socks in your spare time or while traveling is a great idea, and the best part is that even though they are small, you can enjoy a variety of techniques all at once. This book can be enjoyed by beginners and advanced knitters alike, featuring everything from simple and easy-to-use patterns to slightly unusual knitting methods.
Contains 15 patterns
Participanting Designers General Hogbuffer, Keiko Kikuno, Maria G Knits, Sari Nordlund, Tokuko Ochiai, Paula Pereira, Tocchin, Rita Wu, Yucca and Yuki
Language: English and Japanese (bilingual - printed in both languages, not a booklet)
Hard cover, B5 size, 136 pages Printed by Shinano Publishing in Japan
2025年4月3日発売! 発売まで楽しみにお待ちください。
2017年から2023年までにリリースしました amirisu Sock Club の人気パターンを1冊にまとめました!スキマ時間や旅先で編める靴下は、小さくても一度にいろいろなテクニックを楽しめるのが魅力。 シンプルで使いやすいパターンから、ちょっと変わった編み方まで、初心者から上級者まで楽しめる一冊になっています。 パターンの他に、サイズ選びや糸選びのコツ、靴下編みにまつわるQ&Aも掲載しています。
参加デザイナー:General Hogbuffer, Keiko Kikuno, Maria G Knits, Sari Nordlund, Tokuko Ochiai, Paula Pereira, Tocchin, Rita Wu, Yucca and Yuki