Tabi Ferguson

Tabi Ferguson
My Ravelry Shop is here.
My Etsy shop is Sericin Silkworks.
Retired software engineer now lace knitter, crocheter, spinner and indie dyer specializing in laceweight exotic fibre. When I’m not travelling the world by bicycle or racing, I’m sitting comfortably behind my spinning wheel. I have eaten silkworms, drank silk worm poo tea and cycled South East Asia searching for silk.
I have taught many spinning classes at Shall We Knit?, the KW Weavers’ and Spinners’ Guild, the London Weavers’ and Spinners’ Guild and the Guelph Weavers’ and Spinners’ Guild and have given talks on spinning to local groups including the KW Knitting Guild. I am available for private spinning and drop spindling lessons and custom handspinning projects.
Not My Double Knit Neckwarmer Scarf
Tabi Ferguson's Ravelry Store
Tabi Ferguson's Ravelry Store

- Not My Double Knit Neckwarmer Scarf
- Tabi Ferguson's Ravelry Store
Fingerless Gloves of Ceylon
Tabi Ferguson's Ravelry Store
Tabi Ferguson's Ravelry Store

- Fingerless Gloves of Ceylon
- Tabi Ferguson's Ravelry Store
Clouds of Luxury Fingerless Gloves
Tabi Ferguson's Ravelry Store
Tabi Ferguson's Ravelry Store

- Clouds of Luxury Fingerless Gloves
- Tabi Ferguson's Ravelry Store