I have been knitting and designing my own projects since the mid- 70’s.
I have just begun to offer my patterns to others for their enjoyment. I have found it both fun and challenging to put together patterns for others to use.
I live in Vermont. I think I am lucky.
I really enjoy exploring knitting and challenging and different techniques. I have also found so much friendship through knitting. Absolutely wonderful people and lots of great support when I am designing and when I am insecure and designing- almost always!
Please e-mail me with any questions… Thank you! ~Marin
All patterns are saved as the smallest PDF possible to limit space they will take up on your computer.
There is a MarinJa Knits group for pattern support and general REVELRY on ravelry….
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MarinJa Knits Website

- Advantageous (aka) ADVENT-ageous
- MarinJa Knits Website
MarinJa Knits Website

- SuperBulkyFragilisticExpialid.
- MarinJa Knits Website
MarinJa Knits Ravelry Store
- Squares Are Everywhere
- MarinJa Knits Ravelry Store
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