Gillian Harkness
H E L L O | my name is gill (aka mina) and I am a freelance independent knitwear designer and photographer based in Northern Ireland.
D E S I G N S | mina loves designs specialises in creating simple and stylish knitwear patterns for the modern maker. if you are new to knitting, an adventurous beginner keen to expand your skills further, or perhaps an experienced knitter looking for something unique, then you will find mina’s design ethos of ‘simple, stylish, stitches‘ covers all bases.
M A I L I N G | want to stay in the loop with the latest news, get exclusive previews of new designs and extra special discounts? then subscribe to mina’s mailing list using link below. You’ll get weekly love notes from mina with behind the scenes sneak peaks and special announcements before everyone else!
T E S T . K N I T T I N G | interesting test knitting my patterns? I’m always on the look-out for knitters to work with on a regular basis. Join to my test knitting mailing list to receive announcements of new test knits straight to your inbox. Subscribe here
L I N K S | find mina elsewhere online using the social media links below. if you are sharing your projects don’t forget to using #minalovesdesigns and #minamakesmagic
instagram twitter facebook blog website
S U P P O R T | need pattern support or have some questions? please email mina via support@minalovesdesigns.com or visit mina loves designs ravelry group
L Y S | if you are interested in selling my printed patterns please get in touch via the support email above. did you know that all my patterns are now available via ravelry’s in-store sales program too?