Betty Salpekar
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
A Lilliputian Christmas Socks, Socks, Socks January 1999 5 78
Balanced Biases Solefull Socks, Knitting from the Ground Up January 2014 1 63
Betty Salpekar Square The Great American Aran Afghan Book January 2001 35 199
Canyon Walls Solefull Socks, Knitting from the Ground Up January 2014 6 136
Carry on Solefully Knitty, First Fall 2014 June 2014 50 958
Fair Isle Trellis Solefull Socks, Knitting from the Ground Up January 2014 4 209
Fair-gyle Solefull Socks, Knitting from the Ground Up January 2014 2 119
Flaming Arrows Solefull Socks, Knitting from the Ground Up January 2014 2 28
Forester Socks Interweave Knits, Summer 2014 May 2014 45 274
Heartwood Socks Makers' Mercantile April 2021 34
Irises Solefull Socks, Knitting from the Ground Up January 2014 4 55
Knitted Granny Square Betty Salpekar's Ravelry Store April 2023 2 231
Lace Trellis Solefull Socks, Knitting from the Ground Up January 2014 1 26
Leopard Spots Think Outside the Sox May 2010 11 559
Let the Yarn Shine Solefull Socks, Knitting from the Ground Up January 2014 67 163
Lobelia Socks Interweave Knits, Summer 2014 May 2014 11 502
Louvered Light Solefull Socks, Knitting from the Ground Up January 2014 31
Meandering Mesh Solefull Socks, Knitting from the Ground Up January 2014 1 26
Poinsettia Solefull Socks, Knitting from the Ground Up January 2014 2 85
Purl Parallelograms Solefull Socks, Knitting from the Ground Up January 2014 4 28
Purl Trellis Solefull Socks, Knitting from the Ground Up January 2014 2 25
Seed Beds New Directions in Sock Knitting January 2016 18 112
Semi Aran Solefull Socks, Knitting from the Ground Up January 2014 3 98
Shaded Golden Ratio Solefull Socks, Knitting from the Ground Up January 2014 34
Solely Felted Slippers Dreaming of Shetland February 2014 2 179