Noah's Ark by Fiona Goble

Noah's Ark

January 2012
DK (11 wpi) ?
US 2½ - 3.0 mm
US 1 - 2.25 mm
3.25 mm (D)
This pattern is available in print for $16.99.

You will also need stuffing and a yarn needle. Some patterns call for a button or something like that. You also need to be able to crochet a chain and do simple embroidery, which are explained in the book.

Includes patterns for:
Mrs. Noah
Male and Female Elephants
Male and Female Lions
Male and Female Monkeys
Male and Female Tigers
Male and Female Crocodiles
Male and Female Giraffes
Male and Female Zebras
Male and Female Polar Bears
Male and Female Penguins
Male and Female Rabbits
Male and Female Tortoises
Male and Female Goats
Male and Female Pigs

The print book also includes a cardboard ark to assemble.