Sylvia McFadden
My name’s Sylvia (you can call me softsweater). These are my designs! I hope you like.
Feel free to join me on my mailing list, or on my instagram to get notified of new pattern publishes. I also just love instagram a lot, so I hope you’ll join me on there!
If you’re interested in one of my for-pay patterns and you find yourself low on funds - please feel free to send me an email ( I’ll be happy to gift you a copy! Just please remember to let me know the name of the pattern that’s caught your eye, and your username! I’ll need both to gift the pattern :)
As someone who has been low-income most of my life it is important to me to be able to make my designs accessible to folks in tight financial situations! It’s also important for me to be able to keep designing part-time accessible to myself by charging money for my patterns :) Win/win situation I think!
For all inquiries please email! I no longer answer inquiries over Rav mail, apologies for the inconvenience! :)
These bundles below are sorted by themes! I have noticed that quite a few of my patterns reflect on light & dark, rain & water, trees and heart.
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Softsweater Knits

- The Teach-Your-Friend-How-To-Knit-A-Hat Hat
- Softsweater Knits
Pom Pom Quarterly, Issue 8: Spring 2014

- Moss and Deer Horns
- Pom Pom Quarterly, Issue 8: Spring 2014
Softsweater Knits

- The Sunlight Shawl for Sad People
- Softsweater Knits
Softsweater Knits

- The Triangle Cowl for Tiny Creatures
- Softsweater Knits
Softsweater Knits

- The One-Ball-of-Rasta Version of the Triangle Cowl
- Softsweater Knits
Softsweater Knits

- A Blanket For Seriously Cold People
- Softsweater Knits
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