Potter & Bloom
Potter & Bloom
Retired from knitwear design January 2023. Pattern support still available.
Free patterns still at www.potterandbloom.com.
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Triangle Tapestry Necklace
Inside Crochet, Issue 83, 2016
Inside Crochet, Issue 83, 2016

- Triangle Tapestry Necklace
- Inside Crochet, Issue 83, 2016
Seville Bag
Crochet Now, Issue 06, Chunky Crochet Supplement
Crochet Now, Issue 06, Chunky Crochet Supplement
- Seville Bag
- Crochet Now, Issue 06, Chunky Crochet Supplement
Ithaca Blanket
Crochet Now, Issue 06, Chunky Crochet Supplement
Crochet Now, Issue 06, Chunky Crochet Supplement
- Ithaca Blanket
- Crochet Now, Issue 06, Chunky Crochet Supplement
Dublin Cowl
Crochet Now, Issue 06, Chunky Crochet Supplement
Crochet Now, Issue 06, Chunky Crochet Supplement

- Dublin Cowl
- Crochet Now, Issue 06, Chunky Crochet Supplement
Hoosier Chunky Cowl
Love Crochet Issue 38, October 2016
Love Crochet Issue 38, October 2016

- Hoosier Chunky Cowl
- Love Crochet Issue 38, October 2016
Bon Bon Blanket
Love Crochet Issue 22, August 2015
Love Crochet Issue 22, August 2015

- Bon Bon Blanket
- Love Crochet Issue 22, August 2015
Granny Square Lightshade Cover
Potter & Bloom Website
Potter & Bloom Website

- Granny Square Lightshade Cover
- Potter & Bloom Website
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