Meredith Wills

Meredith Wills
It’s remarkable how hard it is to fit people into simple boxes. I am, naturally, a knitting designer; I’m truly passionate about adding to the beauty and creativity in the world through my patterns. When I’m not knitting (and sometimes when I am), I am a Ph.D. astrophysicist who studies the Sun and loves education and public outreach. I’m also a HUGE baseball fan; I design my own baseall scorebooks and make a pilgrimage to baseball Spring Training every year.
Over the years, my other passions have wormed their way into my knitting. I’ve designed baseball fan paraphenalia; I’ve worked math formulas and science images into my designs; mostly, though, I have tried to add to the beauty, the originality, the magic that is knitting.
Starry Night Gloves
Cast On, November 2010-January 2011
Cast On, November 2010-January 2011

- Starry Night Gloves
- Cast On, November 2010-January 2011
Ribs & Diamonds Gloves
Cast On, November 2010-January 2011
Cast On, November 2010-January 2011

- Ribs & Diamonds Gloves
- Cast On, November 2010-January 2011
Baseball Socks - without Pinstripes
Meredith Knitting
Meredith Knitting

- Baseball Socks - without Pinstripes
- Meredith Knitting
Baseball Socks - with Pinstripes
Meredith Knitting
Meredith Knitting

- Baseball Socks - with Pinstripes
- Meredith Knitting
Baseball Socks - Stranded without Pinstripes
Meredith Knitting
Meredith Knitting

- Baseball Socks - Stranded without Pinstripes
- Meredith Knitting
Baseball Socks - Stranded with Pinstripes
Meredith Knitting
Meredith Knitting

- Baseball Socks - Stranded with Pinstripes
- Meredith Knitting
Simply Socks
Craft: Transforming Traditional Crafts, Volume 7: Shoe Time
Craft: Transforming Traditional Crafts, Volume 7: Shoe Time

- Simply Socks
- Craft: Transforming Traditional Crafts, Volume 7: Shoe Time