Kristi Schueler

Kristi Schueler
Kristi Schueler lives in the DC Metro Area with her spouse, Amelia, and their dog, Brandon. Kristi’s technical approach to knitting comes from a scientific background, including a BS in Meteorology. Her work has appeared in numerous magazines, books and e-zines. While knitting, cooking and photography are all passions for Kristi, she also enjoys reading, yoga and spending time with friends and family playing games and enjoying the outdoors.
I do not check PMs here frequently and thus it is not reliable form of timely communication. Please send e-mails to the address on the pattern in question or on the class handouts.
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Longbourn Socks
Knitting Socks With Handpainted Yarn
Knitting Socks With Handpainted Yarn

- Longbourn Socks
- Knitting Socks With Handpainted Yarn
Herringbone Rib Socks
Knitting Socks With Handpainted Yarn
Knitting Socks With Handpainted Yarn

- Herringbone Rib Socks
- Knitting Socks With Handpainted Yarn
Mitered Diamond Bag
Interweave Knits, Felt Special Issue 2008
Interweave Knits, Felt Special Issue 2008

- Mitered Diamond Bag
- Interweave Knits, Felt Special Issue 2008
Journeyman Socks
Spin-Off Presents: Spin Your Socks
Spin-Off Presents: Spin Your Socks

- Journeyman Socks
- Spin-Off Presents: Spin Your Socks
Guided By Love Socks
Nourishing Knits: 24 Projects to Gift and Entertain
Nourishing Knits: 24 Projects to Gift and Entertain

- Guided By Love Socks
- Nourishing Knits: 24 Projects to Gift and Entertain
Green Lake Socks
Spin-Off Presents: Spin Your Socks
Spin-Off Presents: Spin Your Socks

- Green Lake Socks
- Spin-Off Presents: Spin Your Socks
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