Kate Bostwick
Kate Bostwick
Kate Bostwick has always had a strong need to be working with her hands. First she was smashing things with a rock hammer, and then she was smashing grapes as a winery cellar worker, followed by changing diapers and pureeing baby food. Nowadays she prefers to crunch numbers and knit up a storm. To get involved with test knitting, find out about new releases, show off your Cowtown Knits FO’s, or just to hang out ad chat, check out the Cowtown Knitters group. Or catch up on Kate’s crafty goings-on at cowtownknits.com.
Travel Knits for the Family: Volume 1 - Into the Cold
Travel Knits for the Family: Volume 1 - Into the Cold

- Journey
- Travel Knits for the Family: Volume 1 - Into the Cold
Travel Knits for the Family: Volume 1 - Into the Cold
Travel Knits for the Family: Volume 1 - Into the Cold

- Dublin
- Travel Knits for the Family: Volume 1 - Into the Cold
Travel Knits for the Family: Volume 1 - Into the Cold
Travel Knits for the Family: Volume 1 - Into the Cold

- Edinburgh
- Travel Knits for the Family: Volume 1 - Into the Cold
Travel Knits for the Family: Volume 1 - Into the Cold
Travel Knits for the Family: Volume 1 - Into the Cold

- Paris
- Travel Knits for the Family: Volume 1 - Into the Cold
Travel Knits for the Family: Volume 1 - Into the Cold
Travel Knits for the Family: Volume 1 - Into the Cold

- Copenhagen
- Travel Knits for the Family: Volume 1 - Into the Cold
Travel Knits for the Family: Volume 1 - Into the Cold
Travel Knits for the Family: Volume 1 - Into the Cold

- Oslo
- Travel Knits for the Family: Volume 1 - Into the Cold