Elizabeth A. Myers
I began my love of fiber about 20 years ago! My start and love of yarns and needle crafts began at age 5 sitting with my Gran and learning to crochet! I made doilies, blankets, hats, scarves and crocheted for years. There was needlepoint and cross stitch in between.
Then about 1997, I decided to try my hand at knitting. I purchased some needles and yarn and knit a pair of socks! I soon learned that I had a natural talent of turning thread, or yarn into the things I envisioned in my mind!
As the years continued, my love of yarns, all yarns increased. I began digging into what yarn was really made of. I researched wool, alpaca, mohair, silk, and on and on…., and I continue to research and how fibers work together to create beautiful, and useful yarns for everyone and every craft.
My dream is to share my love of fiber with others!
DUPL Fun Crochet Designs by Lisa Mills

- Skater Skully
- DUPL Fun Crochet Designs by Lisa Mills
Elizabeth A. Myers' Ravelry Store

- Idris Fingerless Mitts
- Elizabeth A. Myers' Ravelry Store