Harmony from Still River Mill


from Still River Mill
DK (11 wpi) ?
160 yards
(146 meters)
50 grams
(1.76 ounces)
22.0 sts
= 4 inches
US 6 - 7 or 4 - 4.5mm
40% Wool - Merino
30% Goat - Cashmere goat
30% Silk
Color: Semi-solid
Dye: Hand dyed
Put up: Winding required

Exhale, and take a moment to experience the magic of this harmonious, very soft blend of cashmere, silk, and 15 micron merino. An ultimate knitting experience. Offered in our proprietary palette of color blends which boast subtle sophistication. Life is good!

Some colorways have different fiber percentages.
For example
Green14 and Turquoise have 33.3% Cashmere, 33.3% Silk, 33.3% 150s Merino and are 140 yards per 50 grams.