Leicester Longwool DK from Flying Fibers

Leicester Longwool DK

from Flying Fibers
DK (11 wpi) ?
225 yards
(206 meters)
113 grams
(3.99 ounces)
100% Wool - Leicester Longwool

Our 100% Leicester Longwool product is a gorgeous DK weight 3-ply yarn. The Leicester Longwool is an endangered sheep breed that was re-introduced to the USA in 1990 thanks to the work of Colonial Williamsburg. This yarn is perfect for hardwearing garments. The Leicester Longwool fiber is also lovely for textured projects. Each skein of yarn is made with the wool graciously donated by Fred, ‘Ram’uel, Violet, and Primrose: the endangered Leicester Longwools that are a part of Flying Fibers Flock.

From our farm to your yarn, & grown with love in York County. All of the products from Flying Fibers Flock are PA Preferred products! It pays to shop local!