yarns > Blue Moon Fiber Arts > YAKSI Fingering
YAKSI Fingering

From the Blue Moon Fiber Arts website:
Our YAKSI is all kinds of wonderful and now we have it in a fingering weight too!! I’m so excited. You can read below the testimonial about our worsted weight version of this yarn. YAKSI Fingering is just as wonderful. It’s spun a bit tighter so has more drape and little less loft, making it the perfect yarn for lace knitting of just about any sort. I could wax poetic about the lovely hand it has and how the only reason you want your knit experience to end is so you can wear it as close to your skin as you can get it. It’s so very soft, with loft from the yak and just enough strength from our silk friend. The best testimonial comes from the adorable Rachel one of Twisted PDX’s lovely worker bees (Twistedista’s) who did a test knit it for us. In her words: “This yarn is maybe one of the best things I’ve ever touched…” When I brought in Twisted’s first order of YAKSI, I had to gently remind the staff that there was more where that came from or there would have been not a skein left for their customers. As a maker and seller of yarn this is the best testimonial. Colorwise, it’s an exciting dye for me because it starts all yakky brown and heathery before I add my color sense to it. So much fun.
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- Page created: September 9, 2014
- Last updated: November 12, 2017 …
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