yarns > Bergère de France > Unic


Le mérinos, la plus fine des fibres de laine, est utilisé à 100% pour obtenir ce fil d’une souplesse et d’une douceur extrème. Ce fil, en dégradé de couleurs tout au long de la pelote est obtenu par un procédé de fabrication unique. Une seule pelote suffit à la réalisation des accessoires: chèche, snood…
The merino, the finest of wool fibers, is used 100% to obtain this yarn of flexibility and extreme softness. This thread, in color gradation throughout the pad, is obtained by a single manufacturing process. A single ball is enough to realize accessories: chèche, snood …
Yarn is made from four strands, wound together. The colour changes are achieved by changing one strand at a time to the next color and joining with a knot.
255 projects
209 times
- Page created: February 1, 2017
- Last updated: November 26, 2020 …
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