patterns > Vacilando Collection

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The best laid plans are not usually conducive to spontaneous adventures. Not sure where to go? Great! Throw a map and the plans out of the window, and follow your heart for a while instead.
Ella Frances Sanders
Vacilando is a Spanish verb which means travelling when the experience itself is more important than the destination. Knitting has taken me to lots of places, Chicago, Berlin and Jyväskylä to mention some. Knitting has made the destinations unimportant. More important is the travelling itself, knitting and creating, friends and people. I always knit when I travel with my family. As I have grown older, travelling itself has become more important to me than the destination. When I am travelling, I have time to think, design and create. I usually buy yarn for my stash from my travels, drink a lot of coffee (more than usual), wander around, and sit and knit.
The designs in this collection were inspired by my travels. They were knitted when travelling, the patterns have been written and polished when travelling or the yarn has been bought when travelling. This way those fun and dear memories are knitted in these pieces and I will remember them every time I am wearing these knits. And in the end, I remember the destinations, too. The places are stored in my memories by knitting.
I hope you have as much fun knitting these patterns as I have had creating these designs.
Happy knitting and safe travels!