patterns > Turning Points

This is for the PDF version of Turning Points. To order the physical book, please see the listing on Amazon coming the week of August 5th.
Until then those ordering the PDF will receive the PDF preview. The PDF will be updated to the PDF book once the physical book goes live on Amazon.
Travel through the Blue Ridge Parkway from Grandfather Mountain to Ravens Rock Overlook, NC, with photos and stories of Lindsay’s knitting and wildlife adventures from the comfort of your knitting perch. The exciting “short row swing shawls” introduce new shawl shapes as well as providing some fun stitching on familiar shapes. You will delight in the wrap and turn short rows while working illusion knitting, lace, stockinette, stripes, and garter. Each design is uniquely textured to excite, relax, engage, contemplate, and energize your stitches. Turning Points includes five art-piece shawls to cover wardrobe needs from causal to elegant.
- Sunrise Summit – an illusion knit in an unusual, but wearable, shape that transforms from a shawl to a poncho by the tying of an I-cord with optional beads.
- Peacock Ridge – a lace and stockinette asymmetrical shawl with mini cast on and bind off short rows.
- Valley View – short rows soften a traditional outside-in triangular shawl highlighting color blocks and a touch of lace.
- Panoramic Spire – structural lace compliments stripes both balanced and thick/ thin created by short rows in a half-donut shawl shape.
- Curious Climber – garter and stockinette offset each other in a traditional crescent shawl shape with some surprising new ways to use I-cords in this no-finishing-required design.
The tech edited and test knit patterns range from easy (not beginner) to advanced. All patterns are fully written, and where appropriate, charted as well. Pattern extras include schematics, diagrams, photo tutorials, and video tutorials (as links). You will finish your journey with five gorgeous swing shawls, created among the beauty of the Blue Ridge Parkway.
Happy knitting!
published in August 2024