patterns > The Handmade Sock Society 5

With six delightful new sock-knitting patterns to savour, the fifth season of the Handmade Sock Society is an exploration of natural wonders and a celebration of our natural curiosity.
We live in a world that’s bursting at the seams with small mysteries and marvels. Glittering crystals and smooth pebbles. Fossils and feathers and the cast-off shells of strange creatures. Ancient coins from lost civilisations and handmade trinkets from far-off countries. The urge to collect and preserve these things has probably always been part of being human, but a few hundred years ago, it became an obsession. Cabinets of Curiosity were all the rage in the mid-sixteenth century, and they’re still completely irresistible to those of us with creative minds. A miniature museum, curated by your own fascination. Rare artefacts. Precious specimens. A peculiar blend of science, art, and magic. What could be more inspiring?
Whether you’re an adventurous new knitter eager to cast on your very first sock, or whether you’re a passionate sock expert looking for new inspiration, this collection of mystery patterns and our warm community of like-minded makers will nourish your curiosity. I’ve designed each pattern to strike a balance between relaxation and interest, with clear, simple constructions and unusual stitches and details. There’s always a little bit of everything in a Handmade Sock Society collection: a touch of lace, simple cables, and fun techniques. Whoever you are, and whatever your skill level, you’re welcome here.
So join the Handmade Sock Society, and come with us on another adventure full of secret sock patterns and joyful camaraderie. Let’s celebrate the glorious strangeness of this world with our own little cabinet of curious socks.
The Handmade Sock Society is a mystery pattern collection for knitters who adore handmade socks and surprises. Over six months, I release six secret sock patterns, and members join in with a big knitalong. It’s always a lot of fun.
Thursday, May 4th
Thursday, June 1st
Thursday, July 6th
Thursday, August 3rd
Thursday, September 7th
Thursday, October 5th