This issue of Spin-Off is all about spinning silk. There are three handspun galleries that feature pieces in silk, the first being items of pure silk, the second is all about combinations and fiber blends, and the last is small skeins to major projects. Two spinners tell their tales of raising silk worms. Celia Quinn will teach you about spinning from the fold. Discover spinning silk from a Japanese distaff. Learn the history and origins of sericulture in early China then, travel the ocean to learn about silk culture in the United States. There is so much to be learned and discovered about silk in this issue!
Projects in this issue include a very easy vest by Ruth Barbour, a woven wool/angora scarf by Donna Coates Rogers, unspun mawata scarves by Sammy Eber, and a qiviut/silk blouse by Selma Miriam.
Magazine published in June 1994 by Long Thread Media LLC