patterns > Schachenmayr Moments Magazine > Schachenmayr Magazin 036, Baby Moments
Schachenmayr Magazin 036, Baby Moments

Schachenmayr Magazin 036, Baby Moments
Available languages
Printed version is availabe in German, all patterns are available as online-pattern in German and English
In the magazine 036 - Baby Moments you will find 10 great knit designs for everything you need for a smooth start in babies life. Whether jacket, blanket or a faithful companion, the lovely designs are all made from yarns from the Baby Smiles collection, which are all free of harmful substances, easy to care for and especially soft.
Im Magazin 036 – Baby Moments findest Du 10 großartige Strickdesigns für alles was man für einen sanften Start so braucht. Ob Jäckchen, Decke oder einen treuen Begleiter, die liebevollen Designs werden alle aus Garnen der Baby Smiles Kollektion gestrickt, die allesamt schadstofffrei, pflegeleicht und ganz besonders weich sind.
Magazine published in January 2019 by Schachenmayr