patterns > Popular Needlework > Popular Needlework Vol. 4, No. 9, April 1969
Starting in January 1967, Tower Press had different volume/issue numbers for subscription service and news stand versions.
17” Daisy Frills Centerpiece by Lily
Boy/Girl Doorknob Covers by American Thread Co
13” “Spider Web” Crochet Doily by Elizabeth Hiddleson
Mop Cap & Lounger for Tots by William Prim Inc.
17” Exquisite Tatted Doily by Myrtle M. Hamilton
Lemon Chiffon, Women’s Sweater by Spinnerin
Sweaters for Mom and Daughter by American Thread Co.
Yarn Flowers by American Thread Co.
Jim Fizz Bottle Cozy by American Thread Co.
Child’s Cardigan by Diamond
Sewing Susan Kit by J&P Coats
Crocheted Rug by American Thread Co.
Wee Wonder Set for Babies by Spinnerin
Out Of An Old Trunk:
Etruscan Slippers by Dolores a. Hinson
Olde English Monogram Alphabet
Bird Cage Cover by Coats & Clark
Toys to Crochet:
Elephant, Cat, Puppy by American Thread Company
Footstool Cover by Mrs. Bob Vander Meulen
Knit Garter Stitch Slippers by American Thread Co.
Three Tatted Edgings by American Thread Co.
Lacy Knit Blouse by American Thread Co.
Stay On Knit Booties by Mrs. Alex Campbell
Daisy Tablecloth by American Thread Co
Magazine published in April 1969 by Tower Press