patterns > MyKindaThing

Etsy store contains crochet patterns for dolls and doll clothes and other amigurumi. Also has handmade and custom order pre-made dolls.
Wow, where do I begin?! I would like to tell you that I’m a highly skilled crochet artist who learned to crochet at my dear sweet grandmother’s knees, but that would be completely false!
My name is Aniqua Wilkerson and I’m a spunky new yorker! I learned to crochet almost 14 years ago at the age of 18. I learned from some really old “Stitch By Stitch” books my cousin discovered amongst our aunts old things. The books had really great photos of what to do and how things should look if you do it right. This was our “YouTube” at the time! I learned as much as I could and anything I didn’t understand, I made up as I went. It took me a while to realize that I no longer wanted to read the patterns to create what I saw, not to mention the fact that i rarely liked a whole design. I found myself liking parts of some things and never really all of any one item. Patterns took to much time and attention so i looked at what i would like and I would simply create my own version, taking what i like and removing what I didn’t like.
The name, “My Kinda Thing” comes from the idea of being innovative and creative. I love seeing what people create with just string and a hook! its really amazing, the different ways people create using the same tools!
My kinda thing is in short, what I do with a hook and yarn. I am a crochet artist that has to do things in a way that makes sense to me! I don’t use patterns as I find them to be tedious and uneventful! I gotta be free, I gotta crochet and I absolutely have to do my kinda thing!
Website published in 2014