From the editor’s letter:
Happy holidays, everyone, and welcome to the final issue of Knit Edge for 2016. We’re excited to share the results of our labor with you – this has been a fun issue to work on!
If you’re interested in working with us, we are currently accepting submissions for 2017. Submissions for our Spring 2017 issue are open until 1 February 2017. Submissions can be completed patterns or articles, but this absolutely isn’t neces- sary! In order to submit a pattern to Knit Edge, please send us, at minimum, a clear sketch of your design idea, as well as a detailed written description of the proposed design. (A photo of a swatch in desired yarn/fiber is also helpful.) Article pitches should be clear, concise, and limited to a single paragraph, please. All potential contributors should email submissions to theworkofhands@gmail.com, and please put the word “submission” in your email title.
Most importantly of all: if you haven’t had a second to take a moment to look at our Patreon page yet, I’d like to encourage you to do so now. We began Knit Edge with a traditional subscription model, but as our company, staffing, and goals have changed, we’ve realized that the Patreon pay-per-new-release model is far more effective. This subscription model will also be better for overall subscriber happiness: you will only pay for what you receive. Plus, these pledges give us the flexibility we need to start building some new content and events for our readers.
Magazine published in December 2016 by Cooperative Press