This is the first ebook of patterns by Nicole Rodgers to be offered for download on Ravelry. This pattern set was first written in 2004 for Crochet Talk’s Crochet-Along group, but was never added to the original Nicole’s Crochet Bistro website. You will receive three .pdf files with your purchase: a dishcloth, potholder, and hanging towel.
The “gumdrop” stitch lends itself well to variegated cottons… showing off the puff stitches and making the design really “pop”. It looks equally as good in a solid yarn, and a 12 oz./ 340g ball of cotton will be more than enough to make the complete set along with an extra dishcloth.
With all the colours of worsted cotton available, it’s easy to match any décor. The set makes a great shower or housewarming gift, and doesn’t take long to complete. When done in appropriate colours for the season (ie. pastels for spring, harvest tones for Thanksgiving) it’s perfect for any holiday.