Some patterns have been translated and are available for download in English now! Check your desired project.
Die Modelle meines 4. Buchs rund um verkürzte Reihen sind entstanden aus Garnen von Noro, Debbie Bliss, Louisa Harding, Araucania und Mirasol. Alle Modelle sind zeitlos schön und eignen sich für jedes Alter und jede Größe.
The models in my 4th book around short rows were knitted with yarns by Noro, Debbie Bliss, Louisa Harding, Araucania and Mirasol. All models are of enduring beauty and suitable for any age and size.
There will not be an English translation of the book for a foreseeable time. Instead we have started to publish English download versions on Ravelry back in mid 2015, and will continue to do so from time to time. Just check your desired pattern and keep at it!