patterns > Creative Hands UK > Creative Hands, Part 33

This was a subscription sold on a regular basis in the UK, Northern Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.
120 parts were sold.
There were nine main sections (with colour tabs):
Yarncraft (mauve) (one of two having Rav sanctioned crafts);
Clothcraft (pale blue);
Papercraft (mid blue);
Colourcraft (yellow);
Nature and Foodcraft (green);
Renovation (orange);
Craft workshop (dark orange); &
Children’s corner (pink) (other having Ravelry sanctioned crafts).
The Yarncraft was divided into:
C: Canvaswork,
CC:Creative crochet,
CK:Creative knitting,
E: Embroidery.
Each section had pages from 1 to 140 (for embroidery) i.e. CK 5-8.
The series had about 13 knitting projects and 4 crochet projects (excluding motifs).
The pages are A4 sized with three punch holes for filing.
Magazine published in 1990 by Eaglemoss Publications