Zwartbles Shawl by Marilyn Wright

Zwartbles Shawl

December 2013
Zwartbles fiber 2-ply
Lace ?
21 stitches and 42 rows = 4 inches
in Center chart patt (daisy patt)
US 4 - 3.5 mm
1735 yards (1586 m)
46" x 46"

Fiber: 12 oz of Zwartbles fiber.
Yarn: 2-ply; 1,735 yd; 2,300 ypp; 24 wpi.
Needles: U.S. size 4 (3.5 mm): 36” circular and 1 straight for edging. Adjust needle size if necessary to obtain the correct gauge.
Notions: Markers; stitch holders; waste yarn for provisional CO; tapestry needle.


  • This shawl begins with a center square which is worked on the diagonal. Stitches are picked up along one edge of the square and a border is worked; this is repeated three more times to create four borders. The borders are then sewn together. A sideways-knit edging is worked around the perimeter, joined every wrong-side row to a border stitch.

  • Use a fine fishing line threaded through the border stitches as a lifeline in case of mistakes.

  • Lay a white cloth on your lap while you knit with dark yarn to make it easier to see.