Woman's String Pullover by Better Homes and Gardens

Woman's String Pullover

January 1981
Thread ?
5 stitches and 6 rows = 1 inch
in Stockinette with three strands held together
US 5 - 3.75 mm
US 7 - 4.5 mm
3150 - 4200 yards (2880 - 3840 m)
Small (8-10), Medium (12-14), Large (16)

Hold three strands of thread together throughout.

Finished bust sizes: 31.5 in.-32.5 (34-36, 38) inches

This pattern is a written column’s worth in a magazine. The pattern is headlined White is Sporty on page 26 and is the cover photo. There is no schematic.

There is a Man’s Version included in the magazine.

The yardage on Knit-Cro-Sheen is listed as 350 yards per spool. The pattern calls for 9 spools for sizes Small and Medium, and 12 spools for size Large.

The neckline is close to boat-neck, but closer to ballet-neck. The sleeves are 18”-19” long.