Waves Stole by Iris Schreier

Waves Stole

Errata available: artyarns.com artyarns.com

Cast on 56 sts, accounts for 2 selvedge stitches (one in the beginning and one in the end) that are not mentioned in the instructions.

Add to note: Work this pattern with a knit stitch at the beginning and end of each row.

Row 1, after rep from * 1 time; work Wave Pattern, (k1, picking up wrap, p1) twice, (k1, p1) 1 time


Row 1, after rep from * 1 time; (k1, p1) 8 times, wrap and turn,work Wave Pattern, (k1, picking up wrap, p1) twice, (k1, p1) 1 time

Line 10 of Row 9 should read wrap, p1]twice, k1, p1 10 times, turn; INSTEAD of k1, p1 8 times.