Under a Tuscan Sun Sock by Debra A Garner

Under a Tuscan Sun Sock

December 2014
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
9 stitches = 1 inch
US 1 - 2.25 mm
400 - 425 yards (366 - 389 m)
Medium & Large

This pattern was first inspired by the yarn that I purchased from Liz of gnarledpaw. I don’t wear a lot of yellow clothing but for some reason it spoke to me. When I decided to do a sock of the month kit starting with the last month of summer I knew this yellow had to be the yarn. All I had to do was create a pattern. I went back and forth on a theme.. Then one day I was holding the yarn in my hand and looked down at the yarn tag- Tuscany was the name of the yarn.. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks! One of my favorite movies is Under the Tuscan Sun with Diane Lane. I looked at the yarn from a new perspective.. All I could think of was limoncello, the beach, the waves, the forming of a new family, new relationships.

My pattern came to life.. The stitch pattern on the front of the foot is to represent waves- little cables going this way and that. The back is of the leg is ribbing- which makes me think of the columns in Roman architecture with a thick cable to represent the blending of new relationships and families.

Frances: “What are four walls, anyway? They are what they contain. The house protects the dreamer. Unthinkably good things can happen, even late in the game. It’s such a surprise.” From the movie Under the Tuscan Sun.