Trinity Shawl by Peggy Graham

Trinity Shawl

July 2017
Sport (12 wpi) ?
10 stitches and 18 rows = 4 inches
in stitch pattern, lightly blocked
US 10½ - 6.5 mm
500 - 654 yards (457 - 598 m)
One size - Finished Shawl Measures 24“x 62“.
This pattern is available from for $5.00.

This design evolved because I needed to make a prayer shawl for a friend, and rather than the traditional k3, P3 pattern she requested something in a lighter weight cotton yarn with a more open pattern. This shawl maintains the rectangular shape and the 3 stitch multiple concept used in the original prayer shawl pattern; hence the name “trinity shawl”. The design features a seed stitch border and panels of lace columns knitted in one piece. The mercerized cotton yarn is soft but shiny and makes a cozy summer shawl that isn’t uncomfortably hot.

Difficulty Level: Intermediate

Skills Required/Techniques Used:
-Knit & purl, cast on & bind off (because the lacy stitch tends to stretch lengthwise it is recommended to use a cast on and bind off that are relatively stretchy)
-Yarn over increase; Slip 1,k2tog, psso decrease

Width may be adjusted by knitting more or fewer pattern rows; length may be adjusted by adding or subtracting stitches in multiples of 12.