Swish hat by Viva

Swish hat

by Viva
April 2021
Aran (8 wpi) ?
1 round = 2" in diameter
6.5 mm (K)
150 - 200 yards (137 - 183 m)
2 sizes Adult small and Adult large
This pattern is available for $4.00 USD buy it now

Here’s the Swish Cap! Is the funkiness of this month’s theme evident enough yet?

What says fun and playful like a tricolour spiral cap? This cap is sure to brighten up your entire look! And looks great in not-so-flamboyant colour combinations too, look at our tester versions Rjaya and VimalaVignesh

The swish cap also has its matching scarf!

This pattern is part of Whimsical Days, issue #4 of our customizable magazine Variegated! Visit our patreon page to learn more about how to get your very own personalized copy