Super Soft Baby Blanket by Sarah Piontek

Super Soft Baby Blanket

September 2010
Sport (12 wpi) ?
5 stitches = 1 inch
in stockinette
US 6 - 4.0 mm
This pattern is available for download for $6.00.

While trying to decide on a gift for an
expectant friend I came across this yarn.
Knowing the mom-to-be was not fond of
“cutsie” baby items I decided this yarn
would be perfect. Until I was finished with
the blanket, I did not know just how
perfect it was. The blanket is so soft and
springy it simply flows onto you like water.
As a bonus, once you are done using the
blanket for baby it would be great folded
into a triangle and used as a shawl for
mom. What a great way to keep those tiny
baby memories at the front of your mind.