Sun-Color Pullover by McCall Pattern Company

Sun-Color Pullover

January 1975
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
9 stitches and 9 rows = 2 inches
US 9 - 5.5 mm
4.0 mm (G)
1800 - 2000 yards (1646 - 1829 m)
4-6 (8-10)

Yardage assumes 1 oz worsted weight yarn = 50 yards

You will need:

800 (1000) yards of rose worsted weight yarn
200 yards of purple worsted weight yarn
200 yards of red worsted weight yarn
200 yards of orange worsted weight yarn
200 yards of hot pink worsted weight yarn
200 yards of yellow worsted weight yarn
24” circular 5.5 mm needle (9)
5.5 mm dpns
4 mm hook (G)
2 stitch holders
Seam binding