
Light Fingering ?
28 stitches and 40 rows = 4 inches
in stockinette
US 2 - 2.75 mm
US 3 - 3.25 mm
656 - 766 yards (600 - 700 m)
3 month, 6 month, 9 month
English French

100 grms. MADEMOISELLE PINGOUIN or PINGOUIN PERLE 4 ply (light weight yarn) in Bright Green (A) 50 grs. of Same yarn in White (B) (For corresponding amounts of your favourite yarn see the interchangeable chart on page 6). 1 pair of size 2 needles. 1 pair of size 3 needles. 2 green buttons. 6 small green buttons.

sweater is knit in 4 separate pieces then sewn together. pick up stitches for neck band and shoulder button bands.

pants are knit in 2 pieces and sewn together.

for the 3 month size, approximately 3-50 gram balls of yarn are needed (2 of main colour, 1 of contrast colour). pattern does not indicate needing extra yarn for larger sizes.