Slim-fitting Cardigan Coat by Bestway

Slim-fitting Cardigan Coat

by Bestway
Baldwin & Walker's Ladyship Holiday Wool
DK (11 wpi) ?
12 stitches = 2 inches
US 6 - 4.0 mm
US 4 - 3.5 mm
2.25 mm (B)
34 to 36 inches

Pattern as written measures 23 inches from shoulder to lower edge; 26 inch sleeve includes cuff.

Bust size 34 to 36 inches.

You’ll have endless wear from a coat like this! There is nothing quite so useful as a little lightweight coat to slip on over a thin cotton frock when the day turns cool or after a strenuous game of tennis….Worked in a bright-coloured wool it is very attractive.“