Skating Outfit by Ruth Ellifritz

Skating Outfit

October 1969
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
US 2 - 2.75 mm
11.5" Fashion Doll

The pattern includes knitting instructions for a hat, cardigan, and underpants, and a paper pattern for a felt skirt.

No yarn amount or gauge is given.

Additional materials: A piece of felt, three small buttons, and sequins or other embellishments as desired.

The hat is made in the round and has a pompom or tassel.

The cardigan has top-down raglan construction. It is made in one piece with sleeve seams. The buttons are functional, but there are no buttonholes; the buttons are pushed through the stitches.

The underpants are made in one piece in the round. The only seam is the crotch seam.

Sized for a Barbie-type doll with the 1960s figure (in inches): 5.5/3.125/5. The fit may vary on modern dolls.