Pink Lemonade Scarf by Loop Designs

Pink Lemonade Scarf

August 2023
both are used in this pattern
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
5 stitches = 1 inch
in mosaic pattern
US 5 - 3.75 mm
859 yards (785 m)
One Size
This pattern is available for $5.00 USD buy it now

While this pattern resembles lace knitting, it’s worked as a simple mosaic motif. Mosaic knitting is achieved by alternating 2 strands of yarn and slipping stitches, but you only knit with one strand at a time. This makes for simple knitting and a big visual impact! 

While mosaic knitting typically alternates colors to look like colorwork, we alternated fingering weight Sprig with laceweight Posy to create an intricate yet easy-to-knit texture.

Sprig works up into columns and rows of structured stitches, while Posy creates little windows of gauzy transparency that make the scarf extra light and lofty.
Blocked Dimensions: 11” x 60”

You’ll need:
1 skein Loop Sprig
1 skein Loop Posy
US 5 straight needles or 24” circular needles
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