Ombre Spring Cowl by Samantha Steele

Ombre Spring Cowl

February 2016
MoYa Organic Cotton Lace Plume
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
US 9 - 5.5 mm
One size fits all
This pattern is available for free.

This is a fun, quick knit that flies by on the needles. I used a big needle and knit the yarn double (tips in the blog post!) to give the final cowl a lovely hang.

The pattern is very easy to remember and before you know it you’ll be nearing the end.

I listed my colour pattern in the blog, but you can do whatever you like for as long or short as you like to make the colourway truly your own.

I would recommend doing a provisional cast on and using Kitchener stitch to complete the piece, but even if you don’t do that, the edge is almost invisible.

Enjoy, and do share your pics!