Njom-Njom Sweater by Elsbeth Eksteen

Njom-Njom Sweater

July 2017
MoYa 100% Cotton DK and Plume held together
DK (11 wpi) ?
3.5 mm (E)
18 months to 3 years old child
Afrikaans English

Little children will just love this crocheted sweater. Transform the pocket into the mouth of a cute creature that feeds on cookies, lego and little toys.
Its made with cotton- perfect for cool days.
Alternatively you can use DK wool to make a warm and snugly Njom-Njom version.

Yarn used: http://www.moyayarn.com/cotton-yarn.php

This pattern is published in English in Hello, Crochet and in Afrikaans in Hallo, Hekel- published by Human & Rousseau July 2017

©images: Hanneri de Wet and Human & Rousseau.