Modish Sports Jumper by The Lady's World Fancy Work Book

Modish Sports Jumper

September 1926
Cock o' th' North Shetland Floss
US 9 - 5.5 mm
This pattern is available for free.

Knitted wear is as popular as ever this season, for no one ever seems to have too many gay sweaters for sports wear—probably because there seems to be no end to the variety from which one may select, and the slight cost at which one’s supply may be augmented.

The model of the jumper so charmingly shown here was a smart combination of crimson and white: if you are not able to wear shades of red, choose another of the season’s favoured sports wear colours, and make your stripes, bands-and collar of that. Pink, blue, or any of the-other pastel colours are now in good taste.

For this model you will need Cock o’ th’ North Shetland floss, 4oz. of white and 2 of coloured; 4 pearl buttons; 2 No. 5 bone or amber knitting needles, and a No. 3 bone crochet hook. Cock o’ th’ North crystalline wool may be used with excellent effect.

Directions are for size 36.

From “The Lady’s World Fancy Work Book.”