Mewcelium by Marna Gilligan


September 2024
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
36 stitches and 44 rows = 4 inches
in stocking stitch
US 1½ - 2.5 mm
323 - 503 yards (295 - 460 m)
five sizes

For Cattyblossom we’re going outside to the garden to sniff the flowers, chase a butterfly, have a little potter around the raised beds and then snooze in the sunshine.

It’s autumn. The ground is scattered with acorns and chestnuts and sycamore helicopters, and strewn with crisp bright leaves - and sprouting with mushrooms! This new catsock has a lovely big meowshroom on the leg and some autumn-themed colourwork stripes on the foot.


Full details are provided for five leg circumferences (15.5cm, 17.75cm, 20cm, 22.25cm & 24.5cm), and there’s plenty of guidance for adjusting the leg and foot lengths.

Toes and heels

There are full instructions for flap & gusset, short row & afterthought heels, as well as round and wedge-shaped toes. You can choose the heel and toe combo that best suits you.

This is the fourth sock in The Year Of Catsock Adventures, an expanding collection of eight catsocks released throughout 2024. There’s a new pattern released every two months, plus two very scrap-friendly socks at the end.