Lumi dress by Anna Tanskanen

Lumi dress

March 2024
both are used in this pattern
yarn held together
+ Fingering
= Worsted (9 wpi) ?
18 stitches and 26 rows = 4 inches
US 7 - 4.5 mm
1531 - 2679 yards (1400 - 2450 m)
1 (2) 3 (4) 5 (6)
English Finnish
This pattern is available for €6.50 EUR buy it now

This is a wonderfully light and airy dress, made from a alpaca bouclé yarn held together with a lace weight strand of the gentle alpaca wool. The lightness of the dress makes it perfect for winter and summer.

Sizes: 1 (2) 3 (4) 5 (6)

Bust circumference: 104 (111) 120 (128) 137 (151) cm /41” (43¾”) 47½” (50½”) 54” (59½”)

Bust circumference is for finished and blocked garment. This dress is designed to have approx. 10-20 of positive ease. Always knit a gauge swatch before casting on and change the needle size if required.

Gauge: 18 sts x 26 rows = 10 cm x 10 cm/4” x 4” in stockinette stitch on US 7/4,5 mm needles after blocking

Needles: Circular needles US 7/4,5 mm 80 cm & 40 cm/32” & 16” for the body and sleeves and US 4/3,5 mm 40 cm/16” for the neck edge

Suggested yarn: Yarn: Isager Bouclé (50 g= 175 m) 400 (450) 500 (550) 600 (700) g
Isager Alpaca 1 (50 g = 400 m) 200 (200) 250 (250) 300 (300) g

The dress is knitted from both yarns held together. Sample is shown in size 1 and knitted with color 00 Eco.

About the construction: The Lumi dress is knitted from the top down. First, the back piece is knitted flat with increases on every row. Then, shoulder stitches are picked up, and the neckline is shaped with the increases. After that, the front is worked flat to underarm. Both pieces are then joined to work, and the body is knitted seamlessly in the round. Sleeves are knitted in the round seamlessly. The dress is worked on the right side with knit stitches, and in the end, the dress is turned inside out.

Koot: 1 (2) 3 (4) 5 (6)
Rinnanymp.: 104 (111) 120 (128) 137 (151) cm
Neuletiheys: 18 s x 26 krs = 10 cm x 10 cm sileää neuletta 4,5 mm puikoilla kastelun jälkeen
Puikkosuositus: 4,5 mm 80 cm mekkoon ja 3,5 mm 40 cm pääntien sekä hihojen viimeistelyä varten
Langat: Isager Bouclé (50 g= 175 m) 400 (450) 500 (550) 600 (700) g
Isager Alpaca 1 (50 g = 400 m) 200 (200) 250 (250) 300 (300) g

Mallineule on neulottu sävyssä 00 Eco koossa 1. Mekon pituus niskasta helmaan on 118 cm. Langan menekki voi olla pienempi, jos teet lyhyemmän mekon.

Muuta huomioitavaa: Mekko neulotaan sileänä neuleena ja käännetään lopuksi nurjalle puolelle. Mekon suositeltu väljyysvara on 10–20 cm. Ilmoitettu ympärysmitta on valmiin ja kastellun mekon ympärys. Valitse itsellesi sopiva koko mittaamalla oma rinnanympäryksesi ja lisäämällä siihen 10–20 cm.