Koto by Yucca


by Yucca
June 2022
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
32 stitches and 45 rows = 4 inches
in Stockinette stitch
US 0 - 2.0 mm
307 - 372 yards (281 - 340 m)
Finished foot circumference: 1 (2, 3) = 7¼ (7¾, 8¾)” / 18.5 (19.5, 22) cm
English Japanese
This pattern is available for ¥700 JPY buy it now

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Note: The abbreviations for this pattern can be found online (amirisu.com) and the URL is listed in the PDF. Link is here.


Fingering weight yarn
(MC) Approximately 285 (320, 350) yards / 260 (290, 320) m
(CC) Approximately 22 yards / 20 m (for embroidery)
amirisu Trek (100% wool, 383 yards / 350 m, 100g)
Sample shown in (MC) Akane-zome (light) 1 skein, (CC) Akanezome
(dark) small amount
Note: The amount of yarn used will vary depending on the length
of the sole and amount of embroidery.

A US 0 (2.0 mm) 32”/ 80 cm (or longer) circular needle
Or, needle required to obtain gauge.

Gauge (after blocking)
32 stitches & 45 rounds = 4” / 10 cm in St st with US 0 (2.0 mm)

Finished foot circumference: 1 (2, 3) = 7¼ (7¾, 8¾)” / 18.5 (19.5,
22) cm
Ease: 1¼ - 1½” / 3.5 - 4 cm of negative ease compared to actual
foot measurement.

Tapestry needle, stitch markers (2)

Skill Level

These socks are worked from the toe up using the magic loop
method. A charted motif is worked for top of the sock. After the gusset, German short rows are worked for the sole, then the heel
flap is worked. Ribbing is worked for the heel flap and back of the
leg. The cuff is finished with twisted rib. Increases are made using
sets of Kbf and Kfb. Optional Duplicate Stitch embroidery can be
worked to reinforce the soles of the toe and heel.

Fingering weigh yarn
(MC) 約285 (320, 350) yards / 260 (290, 320) m
(CC) 約 22 yards / 20 m (刺繍用)
amirisu Trek (100% wool, 383 yards / 350 m, 100g)
サンプル色は (MC) 茜染め(薄)1カセ, (CC) 茜染め(濃)少量
Note: 糸の使用量は底の長さや, 刺繍の分量によって前後する.

1 x US 0 (2.0 mm), 80 cm(またはそれ以上の長さ)の輪針
または, ゲージにあった太さの針

Gauge (ブロッキング後)
US 0 (2.0 mm) 80 cmの針を使用し, メリヤス編みで32目 & 45段 = 10 cm

出来上がり寸法: 足囲 1 (2, 3) = 18.5 (19.5, 22) cm
余裕(フィット寸法): 足囲の実寸からマイナス3.5 〜4 cmフィット.

とじ針, 目数マーカー(2)

Skill Level

輪針のマジックループで, つま先から編み始める. 靴下の前面, 甲からレッグにかけてチャートの模様編みを編む. かかとはまちを編み, 引き返し編み(German Short Rows)で底を作り, ヒールフラップを編む. ヒールフラップからレッグの背面はリブ模様を続けて編み, カフはねじりゴム編みで編む. 増目は, KbfとKfbの対になる編み出し増目の技法を使用する. オプションでつま先とかかとの底にメリヤス刺繍をする.