Honeycomb Cables by Louise Tilbrook

Honeycomb Cables

April 2013
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
36 stitches = 4 inches
in Stocking stitch
US 1½ - 2.5 mm
350 - 450 yards (320 - 411 m)
M (8" circumference), L (9" circumference)
This pattern is available for £6.50 GBP buy it now

A simple but striking Honeycomb cable runs along the front and back of these socks, adding detail without bulk and is complemented by an Eye of Partridge heel flap. The pattern is easy to memorise and mildly addictive, making them a rapid and fun knit. If you can cable without a cable needle this will add to the speed. If you’ve never tried this before, this would be an ideal project to begin with as the cables run across just two stitches and are more manageable without a cable needle than larger, bulkier cables.

This pattern is offered in two sizes: M (8” circumference) and L (9” circumference) and also as either a cuff-down version or a toe-up version. Please ensure you select the version you require at the pattern download stage.

Errata: For the cuff down version only. Before starting the heel flap the directions should read: work across N1 in pattern as set, ending ready to start heel flap on N2.