Haselnusskätzchen by Herbert Niebling


MEZ Glanzhäkelgarn Stärke 150
Thread ?
US 4/0 - 1.25 mm
US 1½ - 2.5 mm

62 rounds plus crochet cast-off, 8 pattern repeats per round.

This pattern is Modell 115 Rundes Deckchen (circular doily) in Elsa Sonderheft 3044.

Size is given as 24 cm diameter when using 5 grams of Nr 150 thread and Nr 1 1/4 needles, and 47 cm when using 10 grams of Nr 30 thread and Nr 2 1/2 needles.

The name means “hazelnut catkins”, and refers to the twisted-stitch motifs in the inner part of the doily.

The chart and instructions are error-free.