Gaillardia by Emma L. Butram


April 2023
Sport (12 wpi) ?
24 stitches and 32 rows = 4 inches
in pattern
US 5 - 3.75 mm
200 - 340 yards (183 - 311 m)
Cowl: 23" (58.5 cm) circumference x 20.5" (52 cm) length, blocked; Hat: 18.5”/23" (47/58.5 cm) circumference x 10”-12" (25.5-30.5 cm) length
This pattern is available from for $5.00.

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Cowl: 23” (58.5 cm) circumference x 20.5” (52 cm) length, blocked
Hat: 18.5”/23” (47/58.5 cm) circumference x 10”-12” (25.5-30.5 cm) length


Expression Fiber Arts Artistic Sport yarn

You’ll need one skein of each color or 331 yards total for the cowl. The sample used 107 yds of A, 107 yds of B, and 117 yds of C.

You’ll need one skein for the hat. The sample used 200 yds.

Shown in colors: Cowl: (A) Beauty is Everywhere, (B) Sublime, & (C) Pictorial; Hat: (D) Literary

If those colors aren’t available, any from this category will work.


US size 5 (3.75 mm) 20” circular​ needles and a set of 4-5 DPNs (for hat), or size needed to obtain gauge


Adventurous Beginner – For those knitters who are ready to learn some new skills or stitch combinations. Skills/concepts include simple stitches and decreases, knitting in the round, working with more than one color at a time, and knitting with DPNs.

Notes From the Designer:

Gaillardia is the scientific name for the blanket flower, which showcases a variety of colors, usually reds, golds, and purples that beautifully meld into each other. Gaillardia loves the sun, and butterflies are often attracted to it, as well. It can grow in your garden or just as a wildflower in the fields. A native of the Americas, it was actually named for an 18th century French magistrate who was a keen botanist.

The yarns used in this cowl also blend together to form a lovely composition that is simple to make, but has unique detailing from the interplay of the colors. Since it is always fun to have a matching set of accessories, I also designed a slouchy hat using the same stitch pattern. The hat can be made with one color that coordinates with your cowl or with multiple colors. It’s totally up to you! I hope you enjoy these accessories and they keep you warm wherever life takes you. Happy knitting!

  • This cowl is seamlessly knitted in the round and is easy to customize. You can work with more colors if you wish. Just use the additional color(s), and add an extra fade section followed by the plain section before completing the ribbing and bind off. Have fun with it!

Designed by Emma Butram

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Enjoy your knitting!


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“Love is like wildflowers; it’s often found in the most unlikely places.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson