
February 2022
yarn held together
+ Fingering
+ Fingering
= Aran (8 wpi) ?
18 stitches and 21 rows = 4 inches
in branch lace
US 9 - 5.5 mm
940 - 980 yards (860 - 896 m)
one size (25" / 32cm circumference), with instructions to create custom sizes
low vision format available
This pattern is available from for £5.00.

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Forester’s beautiful lace pattern reaches up between columns of ribbing, making it wonderfully stretchy and comfortable. Its height, which starts and ends with carefully placed ribbing that flows seamlessly into and out of the lace columns, is substantial, but concertinas nicely to create a very snuggly, cosy cowl. Knit at a heavy aran weight gauge - or, as I did, with three strands of fingering - and with just 4 different rounds for the main section, it’s a great introduction to lace or, for the veterans, a perfect knit for when you are otherwise distracted. I used yarn with a stellina for a little something special, but that’s totally optional!


Forester comes in one size: 25” / 32cm circumference & 19” / 48cm height, which is designed to be a comfortably loose fit on an adult, even once the height has folded down around the neck. It’s very stretchy; you’ll have some control over the size when you block it, allowing you to stretch it more in one direction than the other if desired, so you can perfect the fit.

You can also create your own custom size, or adjust Forester to be knit at any gauge and in any weight yarn, making it highly customisable. Full instructions for custom sizing are included in the pattern.


yarn over
knit 2 together
slip slip knit
1/1 left cross
1/1 right cross

Other Techniques

casting on
binding off

Sample Details

Yarn: Old Maiden Aunt Superwash merino / nylon / stellina 4 Ply, held treble


Forester includes two versions of the pattern: the main version, and a second version designed for low vision and screen reader users.

Both versions of the pattern are colour blind friendly.

The accessible version of the pattern has:

  • 24 point sans-serif font (Arial) throughout
  • Fully saturated black text on white background
  • Single column layout
  • Left-aligned text
  • No italics
  • No header or footer – just page numbers (bottom left)
  • Consistent use of heading tags for easy navigation
  • Internal links to aid navigation
  • All instructions written out in text without reliance on diagrams or charts
  • All words written out in full (i.e. no abbreviations)
  • No bulleted lists
  • No tables
  • Tested with screen readers

You can read full details here: Accessible Patterns